Whales are marine mammals of order Cetacea which are neither dolphins members, in other words, of the families Delphinidae or Platanistoidae nor porpoises. They include the blue whale, the largest living animal. Orcas, colloquially referred to as "killer whales", and pilot whales have whale in their name but for the purpose of classification they are actually dolphins. For centuries whales have been hunted for meat and as a source of valuable raw materials. By the middle of the 20th century, large-scale industrial whaling had left many species seriously endangered.
The whale can hear well in water even though it has no outside ears. Just as humans us their legs,arms and feet whales use their flippers for balance and steering. Instead of having a tail, a whale has a pair of flukes. these are horizontal and move up and down as opposed to fish whose fins move side to side. The flukes serve as the whale's propelle
The "toothed" whales are the largest group in terms of numbers: however;, they are smaller than the baleens. these whales feed on fish and large sea animals. a characteristic of the toothed whale is a single blowhole in the top of its head, instead two. There is one type of toothed whale, the sperm whale, which can grow to a very big size. Many legends have been written about this whale, such as Moby Dick.
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